Wednesday, April 25, 2007

No Title Required

So.... I always hesitate to write things because well let's just admit it... I write incomplete and run-on sentences. I am okay with it. For those of you who are bothered by poor grammar...Read no further. seriously.

It is Wednesday night. I am eating the last of my Starburst jellybeans. Im thinking of America.
Things I took for granted in America (List to continue..)
1. Hugging my Family
2. Big Cups
3. Free Refills
4. Being able to read

Things I like about Japan
1. Really courteous drivers
2. Amazing Cell phones
3. Great Food (so far)

So as Zane mentioned... we have been riding our bikes all around town. Well the first day we rode our bikes I kinda got a golden ticket and I mean kinda as in I did. Zane got one too. I can't read Japanese but anyone can read numbers.... and it definitely said something about 20 dollars. So long story short... we asked a few Japanese natives about our prize. This will probably sound as sketchy to you as it does to me, but apparently there is a man under a bridge. He works from 1 to 4:30 on weekdays only. I'm supposed to pay him. We kinda got some mixed answers but the general consensus is not to worry about paying the "ticket". I will inform you later if the "man under the bridge" finds me first.

The cars here are great. One I am particularly fond of is actually called NAKED. Oh what people can get away with in foreign languages! I wonder if that will be coming to a dealership near you?

So, I speak English. I like to pretend (often) that I can speak Spanish. So, if I hear another language I automatically assume it is Spanish. Funny thing though.... in Japan they don't speak Spanish. I don't understand Japanese. So all that to say I often answer Japanese in Spanish. Now that was confusing. But I heard this Vice Principal tell me "Hasta Luego" the other day. I was so confused that I did a double take. I didn't know if I was actually hearing Spanish or if I was saying it my head. Turns out that He spent 3 years in South America...weird. I answered him in Spanish and now he wants to study the language with me! oops.

I'm done for now. See you soon.


Kristina said...

Hi Carla and Zane! I love reading your blog! I hope you are having a good time in Japan. We are thinking about you guys and praying for you.

Dukes Up... said...

Thats so funny! Make sure to post after you go pay the man under the bridge...thats sketch man.